Canon Lore 2.0 Bugs

  • Altani‘s device shows up twice (she’s in the LRoA twice, once as AElfled). Should weed out duplicates. Note that Kinggiyadai showing up with two different devices is correct.
  • Style of the tables is wrong. Should be more textual, less like a 1990s user interface (which is JQuery’s fault). Need a better way to select the number of rows (infinite scroll?) and a better placement for the search and next/prev/goto buttons.
  • Add in the O&A features from Ballista’s people page.
  • Dates for reigns/tenures are stupid. Make a different layout for those.
  • Should not repeat “ARMS” multiple times. Cross reference with O&A if necessary.
  • Add in badges and other stuff from O&A the way Ballista does. Include dates.
  • Received awards list box: dates don’t sort properly.
  • Needs a universally recognisable icon for Fix Me, which should pop up an overlay rather than linking to a new page, nineties style.
  • Emphasise the “Do you believe X is worthy of an award” section, perhaps in its own sidebar.
  • Branches: sub-branch list is stuffed up weirdly.
  • Branches: Residents list is indented funny
  • Why does St Ursula have no OP?
  • Experimental armory section needs to use flexbox or grid or something.
  • Place in OP displays empty parens if there are no awards (eg someone who is only in there because they have registered arms)